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We are your one stop shop for Garage door Remote. When your garage remote dies or you lose it, you need to find somewhere to buy a garage door remote that is an exact replacement.

Rather than going to the manufacturer to buy a garage door remote replacement and paying too much, you can buy a garage door remote from us for a fraction of the cost. We make it easy for you to buy a garage door remote on-line that will do the job as we carry a huge selection for you to choose from. We also do FREE delivery to site and we will code your remote to your Automatic Opener any where in Brisbane and surrounding area’s.


Merlin Remote Merlin Bear claw mini remote Centurion Remote original BOSS OL4 OL6 RD1 RD3 (1)
B&D tri tran remote ATA PTX5 Black ATA PTX4 Blue and Pink B&D Remote

- Don’t Buy the wrong remote & waste Time & Money.

- Don’t wait and pay delivery fees from around Australia.

- Don’t Pay “SERVICE CALL OUTS” + the price of the remote

- We are Qualified Service Technicians & Repairers for All major motor brands

- Get the Job done right, the first Time.

- Garage Door Security Risk! We can delete ALL old codes, and allocate only the Remote in hand to get you back in to Control.

Remotes for ALL major Garage door brands, and Automatic Garage Door Openers including Merlin, Boss, Steel-line Doors, Gliderol, B&D Doors & Openers, ATA, Firmadoor, CSI Doors, Centurion, and many other brands.